Token Titties on Blind Boxes

Early access for BLES holders. Support breast cancer research with NFTs.

Token Titties on Blind Boxes

Early access for BLES holders

In the highly competitive NFT market, savvy collectors recognize the value of getting in early. That is why we are especially pumped to announce the Token Titties whitelist presale drop for BLES token holders on October 27. On Oct 26, we will host an AMA where 3 early access NFTs will be given away. #earlybirdsrejoice

Everything you need to know

This week we welcome Token Titties, a pun-loving, AI-generated NFT project with a vibrant community, and a dedication to philanthropy and medical research. Their mission: bring awareness and transformative funds to breast cancer research. Every NFT sold translates to funds directly earmarked to cancer R&D. Their highly engaged, pun-loving community of 19K members is growing markedly as they approach Mint Day.

On October 27, 2021, Token Titties will release a collection of presale NFTs exclusively on Blind Boxes. Through this sale, collectors will gain access to this project at least 48 hours ahead of their public launch.

What if I miss the Blind Boxes Sale

Once the presale NFTs sell out on Blind Boxes, here are your options:

  • join the presale mint (if you snagged a WL spot)
  • mint at the public sale price
  • try to buy from secondary marketplaces


  • Token Titties is releasing a presale collection exclusively on Blind Boxes this on Oct 27, 2021
  • NFTs will be listed at presale prices, even after the public sale starts on other platforms
  • BLES will be accepted
  • On Tue Oct 26, 2021, we will host an AMA where NFTs and whitelist spots will be awarded to participants
  • TT’s presale NFTs will be on Polygon and are exchangeable for Ethereum NFTs

Breasts on the blockchain? Wait, but why?

Token Titties consists of 8008 NFTs entirely generated by machine learning. At first glance, this may appear to simply be an AI-generated NFT project with potentially risqué elements. Yet the founders have altruistic motivations for launching, an experienced team, and a serious roadmap ahead.

“It all started when a dear friend was diagnosed with Stage IV Breast Cancer. We felt helpless. We wanted to help and saw blockchain as an excellent enabler.”
~ Chief Tittie Officer (CEO), Token Titties

The community of the project has grown steadily in the weeks leading up to the mint. It currently stands at 19,000 active and enthusiastic Discord members and counting. To learn more about this project, check out their website, Discord, and Twitter channels.

Attributes and rarity details for the Token Titties NFT collection

Timeline and Roadmap

Check out their full roadmap here.

  • Develop, refine, and compile dataset for the AI generative algorithm (complete)
  • Compile full dataset for minting (complete)
  • Whitelist minting (24-hour window): Oct 27, 2021, at 9:00 PM EST
  • Public sale launch: Oct 28, 2021, at 9:01 PM EST
  • Image reveal: Nov 1, 2021 at 9:00 PM EST
  • Initial Breast Cancer Research Foundation donation: Nov 2, 2021
  • SFW avatar airdrop of 8008 additional unique SFW avatars for token holders (planned)
  • Live events exclusively for token holders (planned)

Get Involved in the Pre-mint and Whitelist

  1. Join the Token Titties Discord and follow the rules to gain access to the whitelist
  2. Attend the Token Titties AMA in the Blind Boxes OFC Telegram on Oct 26 for a chance to win a whitelist spot
  3. Shop the Blind Boxes drop on Oct 27, 2021 to get NFTs at pre-mint prices

What’s next?

  • Attend the Token Titties AMA on Oct 26. Attendance will be taken and WL spots will be awarded randomly to attendees. Three EARLY ACCESS NFTs will go to the top questions.
  • Sign up for the Token Titties launch on Blind Boxes
  • Stay tuned for more details and giveaways.

About Token Titties

Token Titties is an NFT project born out of our desire to raise awareness and resources for Breast Cancer Research. This all started because of a 29-year-old friend who was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer. From there, the project developed into a broader mission to support female artists, engineers, and women of color trying to enter the Crypto/NFT space. It’s our goal to make sure everyone has a seat at the Web 3.0 table.

About Blind Boxes

Blind Boxes is a gamified curation platform and launchpad for NFTs (non-fungible tokens). This highly scalable dApp enables brands and creators to diversify their revenue streams, increase the liquidity of their creative assets, and to become leaders in decentralized global economies, while engaging fans and buyers to discover and collect rare, limited edition NFTs.

Via the Blind Boxes Marketplace, buyers get to experience the thrill of time-released white-labeled blind box series, where a collector can draw from and unlock sealed packages of exclusive items, curated by tastemakers across the arts, music, & entertainment sectors. Curation is at the core of our value proposition. The platform offers a commission structure that incentivizes independent contributors to produce bespoke blind box collections that feature top-tier talent and emerging artists and designers from around the world.

Learn more: Website | Telegram | Twitter | Instagram | Github | LinkedIn