Blind Boxes Monthly Review: June 2021

June was a busy month for the Blind Boxes team as we forged partnerships, launched product updates, dropped new collections, and hosted…

Blind Boxes Monthly Review: June 2021

June was a busy month for the Blind Boxes team as we forged partnerships, launched product updates, dropped new collections, and hosted interactive sessions with our community. As we look forward to the month ahead, here is a recap of June 2021.

Launches and Updates

Blind Boxes went live on the Ethereum Mainnet in June, paving the way for a fresh cohort of artists and collectors to transact on the Blind Boxes Marketplace. To facilitate an enhanced user experience for the BLES community, we outlined a Bug Bounty program — a community driven effort to find and report exploits and vulnerabilities on our platform.

We also announced our integration with Polygon, a full stack layer 2 scaling solution. Creators on Polygon can mint NFTs in the popular ERC-721 standard while also benefitting from significantly lower fees and lighting fast transactions.


Our partnership with Aerdrop enables the inclusion of $AER in select Blind Box collections. These tokens can then be staked in the Aerdrop dAPP to gain access to a range of airdrops across the DeFi ecosystem.

A collaboration with NFTrade was also announced, that allows the BLES community to access NFTrade’s framework of trustless peer-to-peer NFT swaps, as well as farm $BLES tokens on their platform and earn rewards in the form of exclusive NFTs.

Featured Drops

Our cohort of talented creators continued their remarkable performance, and dropped new collections on to the Blind Boxes Marketplace.

Multifaceted artist Ivan Brens followed up his successful debut on our platform with a stunning new collection, while Yōkai Money dropped their first series, ‘The Vanguard Collection’ featuring Japanese Yōkai-themed collectibles.


Contests are an integral feature of our platform and we were pleased to announce the voting kick off for the Get Minted Challenge: Wang Chung contest.

Those who missed this one have the opportunity to participate in the ongoing Get Minted Challenge: Ocean Protocol contest, featuring 7000 $OCEAN in rewards.


We hosted an excellent Ask Me Anything (AMA) session with our CEO, Anita Angelica Moore during which provided updates and got tangible feedback directly from our community. Users who asked the best questions competed for a pool of $BLES rewards.

About Blind Boxes

Blind Boxes is a gamified curation platform and launchpad for NFTs (non-fungible tokens). This highly scalable dApp enables brands and creators to diversify their revenue streams, increase the liquidity of their creative assets, and become leaders in decentralized global economies, while engaging fans and buyers to discover and collect rare, limited edition NFTs. Via the Blind Boxes Marketplace, buyers get to experience the thrill of time-released white-labeled blind box series, where a collector can draw from and unlock sealed packages of exclusive items, curated by tastemakers across the arts, music, & entertainment sectors. Curation is at the core of our value proposition. The platform offers a commission structure that incentivizes independent contributors to produce bespoke blind box collections that feature top-tier talent and emerging artists and designers from around the world.

For all recent announcements and updates, connect with us:

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